PAT Devlog #06: Hello World!

There it is, PAT is now finally playable and thus my project of two weeks is done.

I managed to finish the game to a state I am satisfied with, even though I still did not implement the possibility to change languages (the buttons are there, but it will not switch to German just yet, sorry).

So, feel free to test it, tell me what you think of my very first game and thank you for considering playing it in the first place!

Bugs reported:

  • MuteAllSounds stays muted when trying to invoke the call
  • Agony image (3-3) static
  • Text “agony” does not disappear
  • Images “Audio” do not appear
  • Sound rumbling too silent, does not end with the ending
  • When the credits end automatically and the options are open, you can’t click anything and the option wheel is gone and you can’t close it
  • Mute button does not display mute status

Bugs fixed:

  • Mute works now, sprite image does not want to stay “muted”, though
  • Options will always close before changing scene
  • Sounds are fixed
  • Texts are fixed
  • No Debug button anymore, window now resizes at start when calling the intro, though it sometimes moves a bit out of center

Future updates:

When I find time, I will fix the bugs you guys report and the following:

  • Adding German language/localization
  • Getting rid of sound files I did not actually use and fix the credits accordingly
  • Window resizing issue is gone, but I need to fix the movement of the window, too. Maybe make it draggable, too?

Anyway, this concludes my last devlog for now. There will be some when I fix minor bugs or similar later, but the project is done and I am satisfied. I hope you enjoy it, too and I am excited to continue my work on my other projects. :)

See you all soon and a massive thank you to all my friends for playtesting and reporting bugs or playing the game in streams, you guys rock (I’ve added you all in the credits, heheh)! <3


PAT_v1_0.exe 56 MB
Dec 19, 2021

Get Psychological Assessment Test V1.0

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